Young European Entrepreneur Award - Final Pitching Contest
Initiated in 2023 by the European Parliament, the Young European Entrepreneur Award is a business pitching contest open to young entrepreneurs from all industries. The contest aims to empower start-ups and innovators with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to thrive in an increasingly competitive business landscape. Applications are open until 14 March 2025.
Each of the 10 finalists will receive up to €20,000 worth of tailored pre-incubation/acceleration training, providing them with the resources and guidance needed to take their businesses to the next level. The 10 finalists will also be invited to present their ideas to industry leaders, policymakers, and potential investors from across Europe at the final pitching event, which will take place during the EU Industry Days on June 5.

Location: ZEN.COM Expo- Centrum Wystawienniczo–Kongresowe Województwa Podkarpackiego
Award Ceremony of the European Startup Prize for Mobility - 6th Edition
Founded in 2018, the European Startup Prize for Mobility is a non-profit organisation that unites major EU institutions, national authorities, and leading multinational companies to boost Europe’s best clean mobility startups and drive scalable, sustainable transport solutions for a greener, connected Europe. Every year the prize receives around 500-700 applications from all across Europe.
In addition to gaining visibility and exclusive access to a network of venture capitalists, corporate investors, and strategic partners, the top 10 finalists will join the Via ID acceleration program for specialised mentorship. Moreover, the top 4 winners will receive exclusive consultancy from Boston Consulting Goup (BCG) to help scale their solutions.
The award ceremony of the 6th edition of the EUSP is one of the official side events of the EU Industry Days 2025.

Location: Podkarpacki Science and Technology Park Aeropolis, Jasionka 954, 36-002 Jasionka, Poland
Clusters Meet Regions in Rzeszów
The Clusters Meet Regions event in Rzeszów, Poland will take place on 3-4 June 2025, hosted by the Local Government of the Podkarpackie Region in collaboration with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) on behalf of the European Commission. This event is part of the broader Clusters Meet Regions series, which aims to strengthen the role of clusters in regional economic development.
With a strong industrial base, the Podkarpackie Region has positioned itself as one of leaders in aerospace and advanced manufacturing, with clusters playing a crucial role in these sectors. The event will provide a unique opportunity to explore the innovation ecosystem in the Region and offer a prime opportunity to zoom in on security and dual-use technologies and discuss key developments in the drone industry.
The Clusters Meet Regions event in Rzeszów is one of the official side events of the EU Industry Days 2025.

Location: Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park in Jasionka