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EU Industry Days 2023


Portrait photo of Kerstin Jorna

Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Portrait photo of Joost Korte

Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

Portrait photo of Maive Rute

Deputy Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Portrait photo of Enrico Letta

Former Prime Minister of Italy and President of the Jacques Delors Institute

Portrait photo of Martin Pei

Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at SSAB

Portrait photo of Bernhard Kluttig

Director-General for Industrial Policy at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany

Portrait photo of Elena Bou

Co-founder, Executive Board Member and Innovation Director of EIT InnoEnergy

Portrait photo of Elena Kostadinova

Policy Officer in the Smart and Sustainable Growth Unit of the Commission’s department for regional and urban policy (DG REGIO)

Portrait photo of Eric Amaral Garcia

Programme Assistant in the Smart and Sustainable Growth Unit at the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO)

Portrait photo of Magdalena Cymerys

Policy Officer in the Innovation Policy and Access to Finance Unit at DG Research and Innovation

Portrait photo of Kristiina Jokelainen

CEO at SmartNorth, coordinator on Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership on Mining, and a member of the European Commission S3 Expert Group

Portrait photo of Santiago Cuesta-López

General Manager and Executive member of the National Iberian Sustainable Mining and Raw Materials Cluster

Portrait photo of Francisco Vico

Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Malaga (Spain)

Portrait photo of Marta Yugo

Senior manager at the R&D center of Repsol

Portrait photo of Nicolas Jeuland

Fellow expert 'Low Carbon Fuels and Aviation Environmental Impact', Safran

Portrait photo of Eadbhard Pernot

Policy Manager for Carbon Capture at the Clean Air Task Force

Portrait photo of Eve Tamme

Chair of the Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP)​​​​​​​

Portrait photo of Guloren Turan

General Manager of Advocacy and Communications at the Global CCS Institute

Portrait photo of Stijn Santen

Business Development Manager, Energie Beheer Nederland BV

Portrait photo of Sophia Reisecker

EESC member and Head of European & international affairs at GPA union

Portrait photo of Michal Pinter

Director Governmental, EU Affairs & REACH, U. S. Steel Kosice (USSK)

Portrait photo of Diego Marin

Policy Officer for Raw Materials and Resource Justice, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

Portrait photo of Sandra Parthie

INT Section President, European Economic and Social Committee and Head of Brussels Office at IW Köln, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

Portrait photo of Giorgio Nanni

Coordinator of the Energy and Environment Office of Legacoop

Portrait photo of Carolina Garcés

Project Manager - Internationalisation and Innovation at Cluster Mobile Heights (Sweden)

Portrait photo of Nicholas Deliyanakis

Policy coordinator in the ‘Prosperity’ Directorate of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

Portrait photo of Riikka Virkkunen

Professor of Practice at VTT and member of the Board of Directors at EFFRA

Portrait photo of Wim De Kinderen

Programme Director for European Affairs at Brainport Development

Portrait photo of Tim Dawidowsky

Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Portrait photo of Emilia Tantar

Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer at Black Swan LUX

Portrait photo of Jaime Castro

Deputy General Manager for Sales and Purchasing at Electra Molins

Portrait photo of Malte Lohan

Director General, Orgalim, Europe’s Technology Industries

Portrait photo of Simo Säynevirta

Head of ABB Green Electrification ecosystem and Chair of Hydrogen Cluster Finland

Portrait photo of Sven Parkel

General Manager of the Estonian Hydrogen Cluster

Portrait photo of Chris Heron

Communication & Public Affairs Director of Eurometaux

Portrait photo of Phil Cole

Director of Industrial Affairs at WindEurope

Portrait photo of Nicolas Brien

Greentech Entrepreneur and Chairman of the European Startup Network

Portrait photo of Christophe Yvetot

Head of UNIDO Brussels Office, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Portrait photo of Antonio Andreoni

Professor of Development Economics at the Department of Economics of SOAS University of London

Portrait photo of Gunnar Kassberg

Deputy Director of the SEPT Competence Center at Leipzig University

Portrait photo of Oliver Ziegler

Senior Project Manager at VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

Portrait photo of Olena Fesenko

Head of the International Innovation Cooperation, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Protection Department of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Portrait photo of Olga Trofymova

Co-founder and Head of Internationalisation, Ukrainian Cluster Alliance

Portrait photo of Olga Shubina

Head of Export Support Center, Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and EEN Ukraine Consortium Coordinator

Portrait photo of Axel Volkery

Acting Head of Unit 'Sustainable and Intelligent Transport' in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission

Portrait photo of Davide Cucino

President Emeritus and Brussels Representative of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Vice President – Head of European Union Affairs of Fincantieri 

Portrait photo of Albert Casas

Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa Area Manager, International Department, Unex

Portrait of Ray Pinto

Director for Digital Transformation Policy at DIGITALEUROPE

Portrait of Aleksandra Lobnik

Full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor & co-founder, IOS

Portrait of Serhii Pohoreltsev

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Kingdom of Spain

Portrait of Lidia Garcia

Head of Research and Development at Tecnopackaging SL.

Portrait of Maarit Nyman

Senior Expert on industrial bioeconomy in the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) at the European Commission

Portrait of Gaspard Demur

Deputy Head of Unit “Digital Transformation of Industrial Ecosystems” at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology.

Portrait of Claudia Martinez Felix

Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs, Unit C4 - Intangible Economy

Portrait of Vito Borrelli

Team leader Erasmus+ programme, Directorate-General for Education and Culture at the European Commission.

Portrait of Mariella Masselink

Head of Unit 'Industrial Forum, Alliances, Clusters' at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Portrait of Gianpiero Nacci

Director of the Climate Strategy and Delivery Team, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Portrait of Joaquim Nunes de Almeida

Director in charge of 'Mobility and energy-intensive industries', European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW)

Portrait of Victor López Mielgo

Coordinator of the CESEAND consortium, Andalusian Node of the Enterprise Europe Network

Portrait of Mark Mawhinney

Lead Advisor in Innovation & Competitiveness Department, European Investment Bank

Portrait of Teodor Kuzov

Project Officer, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre

Portrait of Jakub Boratyński

Director, Networks and Governance, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Portrait of Alejandro Abellán García de Diego

Director General – Coordination of the Single Market and other European Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain 

Portrait of Katarina Kompari

Intellectual Property legal specialist in the Legal Department, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

Portrait of Peter Handley

Head of Unit, Energy Intensive Industries, Raw Materials, Hydrogen

Portrait of Cecilia Warrol

Program Director for Produktion2030, Swedish Association of Engineering Industries

Portrait of Ihor Ivanchenko

Head of the Economic Department, Embassy of Ukraine in Spain 

Portrait of Amaryllis Verhoeven

Head of Unit for Digital Transformation of Industry, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Portrait of Felipe Molina

Product and Business Development Manager, rightmart GmbH

Portrait of Johan Hanssens

Secretary-General, Department of Economy, Science & Innovation of the Flemish Government

Portrait of Paula Pinho

Director for Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency, Innovation and Energy Security, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission