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EU Industry Days 2023

​​​​​​​Álvaro Marinetto Sánchez

Portrait of ​​​​​​​Álvaro Marinetto Sánchez

Álvaro Marinetto Sánchez is an Electrical Engineer (graduated from Malaga University).  

Shortly after his graduation, he went into the field of software development. Originally from Malaga, he spent some years living abroad, which expanded his global perspective. With over 20 years in the software industry, he started as a hands-on developer and eventually took up managerial roles. He previously worked for a company that crafted software for the UK wholesale insurance sector. Now, at Foreworth, he wears several hats: he started as Development Director, where he assembled the company’s development team and contributed to the creation and development of its product. Presently, he is also focusing on the company’s clients, holding also the title of Customer Success Director.